The Caverns of Kalte


You are to travel to Ikaya by sledge. Two sledges have been loaded with enough food, and equipment for the mission, each drawn by a team of six Kanu-dogs. This sturdy breed is native to Kalte, and they make ideal sledge dogs. Their thick tawny coats and powerful chests, as well as their renowned vigour and enthusiasm make them well suited to the harsh work ahead.

Your three guides, Irian, Fenor, and Dyce, are all experienced trappers. They are skilled at survival in this icy desert and have experienced its many unseen dangers. Once the dogs are in harness, you and Irian climb aboard your sledge and signal to the others to lead the way.

Staring across the frozen expanse of the Ljuk ice shelf, you see the white glare of the Hrod Basin edge. ‘ “Ice-Blink” they call it,’ says Irian, his eyes glinting from deep inside the hood of his fur jacket. ‘It’s the reflection of the ice shelf. It looks no more than four miles away at most, but it’s nearer forty than four. The air of Kalte can be very deceptive.’

The weather is bright and windless and you make excellent progress on the first day. As darkness sets in, you decide to set up camp for the night. The sledges are drawn together, and the tent is erected in the salient away from the wind.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 35.

If you do not possess this skill, turn to 112.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte