Shadow on the Sand


The Sharnazim surround you and drag you to your feet. They take your Backpack, your Weapons, your Gold Crowns, and all your Special Items. (Make all the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart, but note your lost possessions elsewhere in case you find them again later.) Your hands are tied with wire, and you are frogmarched back to the plaza. A carriage is waiting. As you are thrown in head-first, Maouk climbs aboard and, gloating with triumph, gives the command: ‘Back to the Grand Palace. The Zakhan awaits his prize.’

You struggle to free yourself from the wire that cuts into your wrists, but Maouk is quick to see the danger. He grabs your arm and forces a dart into your skin. As sleep numbs all your senses, the last sound you hear is Maouk’s wicked laughter.

Turn to 69.

Project AonShadow on the Sand