Shadow on the Sand


The marble door opens into semi-darkness, and the musty smell of old parchment wafts through the air. Row upon row of neatly stacked, leather-bound books stand upon marble shelves, each one of which is beautifully decorated with intricate arabesques in fine gold leaf. Judging by the dates and inscriptions, you deduce that these books form a catalogue of all the treasures in the Grand Palace, many dating back hundreds of years.

Every shelf of the small library is filled with books, every shelf, that is, save one where, on a purple silk cloth, lie a Copper Key and a Prism. If you wish to take either, or both, of these items, mark the Prism as a Backpack Item and the Copper Key as a Special Item (which you carry in your pocket) on your Action Chart.

There is no exit from the library other than the marble door by which you entered. After satisfying yourself that nothing useful has been overlooked, you close the door and walk back along the corridor. When you reach the junction, you see a patrol of palace guards ascending the stairs. Without a moment’s hesitation, you run towards the east door to avoid being seen.

Turn to 57.

Project AonShadow on the Sand