Shadow on the Sand


You reach a point where the chimney is no longer a vertical shaft, but curves into a horizontal tunnel leading south. Although the heat is oppressive, the steam has cleared. Every nerve and tissue in your body seems agonizingly sensitive, and you progress along the narrow shaft with difficulty.

All hope of signing a peace treaty with the new Zakhan has vanished; your only concern now is to escape from this hellish sewer and somehow get back to Sommerlund as quickly as possible.

You notice a square vent cover in the ceiling less than ten feet ahead. It is badly corroded, and you have to lie on your back and kick with both feet to force it open. The effort drains your last reserves of stamina, but you are rewarded with success.

By pure chance you have gained access to the one place in Barrakeesh you most needed to visit—the public baths.

Turn to 90.

Project AonShadow on the Sand