Shadow on the Sand


Judging by the direction of the sluggish flow, the right channel appears to head off to the north. The vast tide of sewage and garbage from the Baga-darooz is swept out towards the coast, until it emerges at Chiras, a village northwest of the capital. There it makes life both difficult and unpleasant for the poor local fishermen (especially during the summer months). If you take the north channel, you should eventually reach the coast.

The left channel heads south, running below the very heart of the capital. In the maze of tunnels that feed into the Baga-darooz, you should be able to find at least one exit to the streets above.

Straight ahead, the channel leads off to the west. It is by far the least fetid and contaminated of the three. During the voyage, you remember ‘The Stink’ telling you about the Grand Madani: a great aqueduct over forty miles long, which channels freshwater from the River Da into the city. As a result, the citizens of Barrakeesh, unlike the inhabitants of other Vassagonian cities, enjoy a lavish supply of fresh water. The west channel will lead to that water source.

If you wish to take the north channel, turn to 145.

If you wish to take the south channel, turn to 96.

If you wish to take the west channel, turn to 13.

Project AonShadow on the Sand