Shadow on the Sand


The warrior’s head suddenly emerges from the sewer hole. He lashes at your legs, tearing a nasty gash in your calf. You lose 2 ENDURANCE points. In anger and pain, you raise your foot and stamp on the man’s head with all your strength. He screams and falls back into the sewer, and you hear a loud, resounding splash. You replace the stone lid and drag a heavy barrel across it before making your way through the maze of city streets.

All hope of signing a peace treaty with the new Zakhan has vanished; your only concern now is to escape from Barrakeesh and, somehow, return to Sommerlund as quickly as possible. Eventually you reach a busy market square. Your eye is caught by a sign hanging above the side entrance to large building:


By this time, the smell of your clothes is making you feel quite ill. You have no hesitation in opening the door and slipping inside.

Turn to 90.

Project AonShadow on the Sand