Shadow on the Sand


A terrible shriek rings out above the rush of the wind, filling your head with pain. You are being attacked by a powerful Mindblast. Unless you possess the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, deduct 2 ENDURANCE points from your current total.

The Itikar shudders and frantically twists its head from side to side as the shriek rings out again. You sense that the great bird is in agony, racked by the Mindblast. As you glance over your shoulder, your stomach becomes knotted with fear—a Kraan is swooping down to attack. On its back is your adversary: a Vordak, one of the undead and a hideous lieutenant of the Darklords. As the Kraan streaks towards you, the Vordak spreads its red-robed arms and leaps from the saddle. It lands behind you, astride the Itikar’s back, its skeletal fingers sunk deep into your mount’s feathered flesh. The shock of the impact throws you forward, and the reins slip from your hands.

The giant bird screeches in horror and pain as the Vordak’s grip paralyses its spine. You must act quickly, for the Itikar is now plummeting towards the salt-plain of Lake Inrahim.


If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 315.

If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 299.

Project AonShadow on the Sand