Shadow on the Sand


You follow a straight passage of pale, rose-coloured stone, which soon ends at an empty vestibule. In its north wall is set a great wooden door, covered with engraved bronze plaques and studded with bronze nails. There is a curious lock set into the middle of this door, encircled by a beautiful carving of a long-tailed scorpion. A closer look at the lock reveals a series of Vassagonian numerals, numbered 1 to 200, engraved in the lock. You recognize the design: it is a Cloeasian combination lock.

If you know the correct number that will open the bronze door, turn to that section number.4

If you do not know the number that will open the door, turn to 156.

[4] The section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct. If you choose the wrong section, then turn to Section 98. You do not get a second guess.

Project AonShadow on the Sand