The Kingdoms of Terror


The passage leads to a vaulted cellar, as cold and as silent as a tomb. Gwynian talks with his brothers who then hurry off towards a distant portal. As they disappear into the dark, he returns to your side, his face sombre but composed.

‘The Lorestone of Varetta is hidden in the crypt of the cathedral of Tekaro. This key will unlock the tomb in which it lies.’ He produces a Small Silver Key from his sleeve and gives it to you.

‘My brothers will provide a swift horse for your journey. When the observatory clock strikes midnight, enter the portal and follow the passage to the end. It passes beneath the city wall, and your horse will be waiting where the passage comes to the surface. You are welcome to take any items you require from this cellar that may be of use to you on your quest. May the gods protect you, Lone Wolf.’ You nod your thanks and watch as Gwynian disappears into the portal.

The cellar is well stocked with provisions and you find the following items that could be of use on your journey to Tekaro:

  • Quarterstaff
  • Enough food for 3 Meals
  • Mace
  • Brass Whistle (Special Item)
  • Rope
  • Short Sword

Together with the Small Silver Key that Gwynian gave you (mark this as a Special Item that you keep in your pocket), you collect together all the items you wish to keep and settle down for the long wait till midnight.

Turn to 175.

Project AonThe Kingdoms of Terror