The Kingdoms of Terror


Suddenly, you sense that you are in grave peril, and you listen carefully at the keyhole to determine what is being said by the preacher.

‘… and so I beseech you, my brothers, do not listen to Gwynian’s foolish and dangerous theory. The star that shone in the night is a warning to us to guard our knowledge, to keep safe the secret of the Lorestone. We must stop all those who would use its power for their own wicked ends.’

The preacher’s words are answered by loud chanting: ‘Keep the secret, keep the secret, keep the secret!’

The sound of a key in the lock makes you start. The meeting has come to an end, and the congregation are preparing to leave. Quickly, you sprint away and take cover in a darkened doorway. The brown-robed men pour out of the temple and disperse, but a small group are heading towards your hiding place; if you stay where you are you will be seen for sure. Without a second thought, you push open the door and enter.

Turn to 127.

Project AonThe Kingdoms of Terror