The Kingdoms of Terror


Your Magnakai Discipline reveals the man’s hiding place—he is crouching behind a worktable to your right. Suddenly, he jumps up and hurls a glass flask at your face, but forewarned by your Magnakai skill, you are prepared for this ambush. You duck and the flask whistles overhead to smash against the far wall. A bubbling hiss fills the air as the contents of the flask corrode and dissolve the plaster. With a flurry of vile curses, the man unsheathes a rapier and attacks.

Chanda the Taxidermist: COMBAT SKILL 17   ENDURANCE 24

If you wish to evade combat at any time by running from the shop, mounting your horse and galloping away, turn to 279.

If you win the combat, turn to 8.

Project AonThe Kingdoms of Terror