The Kingdoms of Terror


‘Hell’s teeth!’ cries the captain. ‘Have we run aground?’

As the words leave his lips, a grapnel and rope drop from the sky and bite into the ship’s rail. More follow and, through the mist, you can make out the shapes of longboats approaching.

‘River pirates!’ shouts the helmsman. ‘Prepare to repel boarders.’

Further along the deck, one of the captain’s men is felled by a thrown knife. His comrades rush to his aid, but by now the river pirates are pouring over the side and he is trampled underfoot.

‘Battle order!’ bellows the captain and immediately his men respond, linking shields and holding their ground. A swarm of grim-faced pirates are boarding close by. One of their number, a lean man with only one ear and a split nose, smiles at you with anticipation, his lips drawn back from his teeth and his eyes wide with excitement. He is obviously relishing the thought of ending your life.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 170.

If you wish to prepare for combat by other means, turn to 92.

If you wish to evade combat, turn to 286.

Project AonThe Kingdoms of Terror