Shadow on the Sand


The twisting alley comes to an end in a small garden square flanked on three sides by tall, domed houses, all with first-floor balconies. Wrought-iron grilles reinforce every window and door.

You are near the top of a heavy wooden trellis that hangs below a balcony, when Maouk’s men burst into the square. Many are armed with heavy bronze crossbows.

‘Surrender, Lone Wolf!’ shouts Maouk. ‘Or my men will pin you to the wall!’ The situation is hopeless; at such short range, the Sharnazim cannot fail to hit you. Cursing your misfortune, you leap to the ground, landing at the feet of Maouk. ‘You are brave, Kai Lord,’ he snarls. ‘But you will need more than bravery to save you now!’

Turn to 176.

Project AonShadow on the Sand